Merz Akademie Wahlwoche 2020

Modular Variable Fonts Workshop.

Amelie Vogelmann
Cho Won Kim
Jule Brandhuber
Julien Brosch
Laura Stengla
Nicole Dering
Selena Sandalj
Sunny-Lou Meret Berger
Xander Heller
Zoya Schwenkbeck

Modular Variable Fonts

This workshop will teach students, how to built a modular system, with which they will be able to built an entire alphabet to the end of the week.

With the help of two Introductory workshops, we will learn how to work with grids and stencil. In a second step, we will look into the compatibility of vectors, so we can interpolate them. (morph form one state to another).
With this new skills in mind, each participant will conceive a system upon which they will build a functioning variable typeface.

Requirements: Skills in manipulating Bézier curves (vectors)
(knowledge with font-software is not required)
Software: Illustrator, & FontLab 7
Teacher: Edgar Walthert