There's a new adoption in the AJ section, and I put up a new campaign thingy. Don't I just rule? Oh yeah! Got a BSB site or fanfic that's on the net somewhere? Enter it in this nifty contest! I'm entered in several categories. Wish me luck! Click on the banner below to go and enter your site or story. introduction/12.html

If you have any info/news please post it to my message board or e-mail me!

Liz's Backstreet Boys Page
Last updated: 10/10/99 titles/lizsbackstreetboys.html
Hey everyone!!!! I am updating the page this weekend, so look for all the updated things. Also, if a box pops up in the corner of your screen when the page first loads, let it load, because it is a survey thing. I hope you like my page! KTBSPA!!! subtitles/heyeveryone.html