He was born in Paris in 1931 and died in Bellevue-la-Montagne in 1994.
The french intellectual and marxist Guy Debord belonged to the founders of the Situationist Interntational (SI) in 1957 in Alba, Italy.
In his book ,,La Société dü spectacle" (the socitey of the spectacle) , published in 1967, he explained, how the consumption of images
replaced the authentic interaction between humans. He then followed that the resulting cultural spectacle is a sign of the late capitalism.
The book is seen as the central manifest of the mai-riots in paris in 1986, because many demonstrants had slogans written on their signs.
After the resolution of the SI in 1972, Debord worked as creator of movies and he wrote a sequel to his famous book with the title ,,Commentaire sur la société" (1988).
In November in 1994 Debord, who suffered from the effects of his lifelong alcohol addiction, cimmited suicide in his home in Champot at Bellevue-la-Montagne.